orange sunset and campfire on the manzanita oregon beach

Manzanita Oregon Real Estate Market Report

  • 07/12/23

Manzanita, OR 97130

Tuesday July 11 2023

This week the median list price for Manzanita, OR 97130 is $999,900 with the market action index hovering around 35. This is an increase over last month's market action index of 34. Inventory has increased to 15.

Market Action Index
This answers “How’s the Market?” by comparing rate of sales versus inventory.



While the Market Action Index shows some strengthening in the last few weeks, prices have not seemed to move from their plateau.  Should the upward trend in sales relative to inventory continue, expect prices to resume an upward climb in tandem with the MAI.




Median List Price
Again this week we see home sales prices in Manzanita remain roughly at the level they’ve been for several weeks. Since we’re significantly below the top of the market, look for a persistent up-shift in the Market Action Index before we see prices move from these levels.



Price Per Square Foot
The value placed on homes appears to be on the upswing, despite the fact that prices in general have remained basically flat. These conditions can arise when inventory is light and a greater number of smaller homes have more influence on overall prices.



Inventory has been climbing lately. Note that rising inventory alone does not signal a weakening market. Look to the Market Action Index and Days on Market trends to gauge whether buyer interest is keeping up with available supply.



Median Days on Market (DOM)
The properties have been on the market for an average of 67 days. Half of the listings have come newly on the market in the past 38 or so days. Watch the 90-day DOM trend for signals of a changing market.




View current Manzanita, Oregon MLS listings here.


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